

May the force be with me.

04 Aug 2023

CS144-Minnow Lab总结

课程地址CS144: Introduction to Computer Networking


个人感觉,虽然整个CS144的Lab难度不算特别大(认认真真做一周时间应该是够了),但还是非常有收获的。反正我做完就感觉死去的计网记忆在攻击我:(。难度排序的话,应该是 TCP Sender > TCP receiver ≈Network Interface > IP router > Webget & ByteStream。

0 Networking Warmup


WSL Install

首先,在确保虚拟化以及WSL功能正确开启后,前往微软商店下载Windows Subsystem For Linux。我使用的发行版是Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS。更详细的下载方法,可以查看我的另一篇博客[搭建自己的生产环境]中的WSL部分。


sudo apt install cmake make git clang-format

Remote Repository



# clone the bare git proj
git clone --bare https://github.com/cs144/minnow

# cd the bare git directory and push everything to your own repo
cd minnow.git; git remote add mine git@github.com:Zhytou/minnow.git
git push --all mine
git push --tags mine

# remove the bare git directory and see your own repo
rm -rf minnow.git
git clone git@github.com:Zhytou/minnow.git

Compile & Run


cd minnow
# 编译
cmake -S . -B build
# 运行
cmake --build build --target check_Webget

Writing webget

这部分要求我们在apps/webget.cc里面实现void get_URL( const string& host, const string& path )函数,最终完成抓取网页并写入到标准输出的功能。



  • 首先,服务器创建一个套接字,并使用bind将其绑定到某IP和端口,接着使用listen使其监听该端口的连接请求。
  • 接着,客户端创建一个套接字,并使用connect尝试连接服务器。成功后,使用send向其发送请求。
  • 此时,服务器介绍到客户端请求,使用accept得到一个新套接字,先使用recv读取请求,接着使用send发送回复。
  • 接着,客户端使用recv接收到回复,使用close关闭连接。
  • 最后,服务器使用close关闭连接。


void get_URL( const string& host, const string& path )
  TCPSocket sock;
  Address addr( host, "http" );
  sock.connect( addr );
  sock.write( "GET " + path + " HTTP/1.1\r\n" );
  sock.write( "Host: " + host + " \r\n" );
  sock.write( "Connection: close \r\n\r\n" );
  string buf;
  do {
    sock.read( buf );
    if ( buf.empty() ) {
    } else {
      cout << buf;
  } while ( 1 );

Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check_webget
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
    Start 1: compile with bug-checkers
1/2 Test #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    0.17 sec
    Start 2: t_webget
2/2 Test #2: t_webget .........................   Passed    1.21 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   1.38 sec
Built target check_webget

An in-memory reliable byte stream


ByteStream Data Structure



class ByteStream
  uint64_t capacity_;
  std::string buffer_;
  bool is_closed_;
  bool has_error_;
  uint64_t bytes_pushed_;
  uint64_t bytes_popped_;

  // ...

Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check0
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
      Start  1: compile with bug-checkers
 1/10 Test  #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    0.17 sec
      Start  2: t_webget
 2/10 Test  #2: t_webget .........................   Passed    1.21 sec
      Start  3: byte_stream_basics
 3/10 Test  #3: byte_stream_basics ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  4: byte_stream_capacity
 4/10 Test  #4: byte_stream_capacity .............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  5: byte_stream_one_write
 5/10 Test  #5: byte_stream_one_write ............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  6: byte_stream_two_writes
 6/10 Test  #6: byte_stream_two_writes ...........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  7: byte_stream_many_writes
 7/10 Test  #7: byte_stream_many_writes ..........   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start  8: byte_stream_stress_test
 8/10 Test  #8: byte_stream_stress_test ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 37: compile with optimization
 9/10 Test #37: compile with optimization ........   Passed    3.98 sec
      Start 38: byte_stream_speed_test
             ByteStream throughput: 6.56 Gbit/s
10/10 Test #38: byte_stream_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.07 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 10

Total Test time (real) =   5.49 sec
Built target check0

1 Stitching Substrings Into A Byte Stream




Reassembler Data Structure

Reassembler中最关键的一点就是如何临时存储可能重叠的字符串。我选择的是使用map<uint64_t, char>来存储,有一点滑动窗口的思想。可能更常规的做法是用map<uint64_t, string>来存储,但我考虑到重叠的字符串可能会导致维护这个字典的逻辑变得比较复杂,索性直接使用索引到字符的映射,让维护的逻辑变得非常简单。但这样做会导致效率严重下降(test13有可能超时)。Reassembler的定义如下:

class Reassembler
  // Bytes stored temorarily in ther Reassembler whose indexes are in the available capacity
  std::map<uint64_t, char> sliding_window_;
  // The index of next byte expected to write in the outbounded stream
  uint64_t expected_index_;
  // The index of last byte expected to write in the outbounded stream
  uint64_t expected_last_index_;

  // ...

Putting Substrings In Sequence


  • 处理传入的字符串
    • 紧随expected_index_的直接写入输出字节流
    • 超出容量的直接丢弃
    • 其余的存入sliding_window_
  • 检测暂存的字符串是否能够写入
  • 判断整合是否结束
void Reassembler::insert( uint64_t first_index, string data, bool is_last_substring, Writer& output )
  if ( first_index <= expected_index_ && first_index + data.size() > expected_index_ ) {
    // if the part of substr lies just behind the expected index, push it to the output
    // be careful to update the expected index with the actual written size
  } else if ( first_index + data.size() > expected_index_
              && first_index < expected_index_ + output.available_capacity() ) {
    // if part of the substr lies in the availabe capacity, add it to the sliding window
    // be careful that the size of sliding window cannot exceed the available capacity of output stream
    for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < data.size() && first_index + i < expected_index_ + output.available_capacity();
          i++ ) {
      // ...

  // erase elements which are already written and check if there are any elements which can be written
  string old_data;
  for ( auto itr = sliding_window_.begin();
        itr != sliding_window_.end() && itr->first <= expected_index_ + old_data.size();
        itr = sliding_window_.erase( itr ) ) {
    // ...

  // set the expected last index if the substr is the last one
  if ( is_last_substring ) {
    expected_last_index_ = first_index + data.size();
  // when the last expected byte is inserted and the sliding window is empty, close the output
  if ( expected_index_ == expected_last_index_ && sliding_window_.empty() ) {


Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check1
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
      Start  1: compile with bug-checkers
 1/17 Test  #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    0.22 sec
      Start  3: byte_stream_basics
 2/17 Test  #3: byte_stream_basics ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  4: byte_stream_capacity
 3/17 Test  #4: byte_stream_capacity .............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  5: byte_stream_one_write
 4/17 Test  #5: byte_stream_one_write ............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  6: byte_stream_two_writes
 5/17 Test  #6: byte_stream_two_writes ...........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  7: byte_stream_many_writes
 6/17 Test  #7: byte_stream_many_writes ..........   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start  8: byte_stream_stress_test
 7/17 Test  #8: byte_stream_stress_test ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  9: reassembler_single
 8/17 Test  #9: reassembler_single ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 10: reassembler_cap
 9/17 Test #10: reassembler_cap ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 11: reassembler_seq
10/17 Test #11: reassembler_seq ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 12: reassembler_dup
11/17 Test #12: reassembler_dup ..................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 13: reassembler_holes
12/17 Test #13: reassembler_holes ................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 14: reassembler_overlapping
13/17 Test #14: reassembler_overlapping ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 15: reassembler_win
14/17 Test #15: reassembler_win ..................   Passed    5.64 sec
      Start 37: compile with optimization
15/17 Test #37: compile with optimization ........   Passed    0.08 sec
      Start 38: byte_stream_speed_test
             ByteStream throughput: 6.30 Gbit/s
16/17 Test #38: byte_stream_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start 39: reassembler_speed_test
             Reassembler throughput: 14.16 Gbit/s
17/17 Test #39: reassembler_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.11 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 17

Total Test time (real) =   6.26 sec
Built target check1

2 The TCP Receiver

Translating Between 64-bit Indexes And 32-bit Seqnos


在实际通信中,发送者会随机初始化一个32位的起始报文序号(Initial Sequence Number,ISN),并告知接收者。此时,接收者就可以通过将报文中的相对序号(Sequence Number,seqno)与起始序号相加的方式获取实际的绝对序号(Absolute Sequence Number)。这三者的关系如下:



这部分个人认为比较简单,对于wrap函数来说,直接将64位数截断就好了;对于unwrap函数来说,将相对序号不断加1 « 32直到接近检查点就好了。不过要注意一些特殊情况,比如检查点特别小等。

Receiving Bytes



class TCPReceiver
  // The flag indicating whether the receiver is connected
  bool is_connected_;
  // The next sequence number expected from the sender
  uint64_t ack_seqno_;
  // The initial sequence number of the sender
  Wrap32 isn_;

   // ...


TCPReceiverMessage TCPReceiver::send( const Writer& inbound_stream ) const
  TCPReceiverMessage message;
  // get the window size
  if ( inbound_stream.available_capacity() > UINT16_MAX ) {
    message.window_size = UINT16_MAX;
  } else {
    message.window_size = inbound_stream.available_capacity();
  // get the ackno, only if receiver is connected
  if ( is_connected_ ) {
    message.ackno = Wrap32::wrap( ack_seqno_, isn_ );
  return message;


void TCPReceiver::receive( TCPSenderMessage message, Reassembler& reassembler, Writer& inbound_stream )
  if ( message.SYN ) {
    if ( is_connected_ ) {
      // avoid duplicate connections
    // beginning of the byte stream
    is_connected_ = true;
    // keep track of initial sequence number
    isn_ = message.seqno;
    // ack seqno must be at least 1, because receiving SYN
    ack_seqno_ = 1;

  // transmission doesn't begin, do nothing
  if ( is_connected_ == false ) {

  // convert relative seqno to absolute seqno, checkpoint is the bytes written to the stream
  uint64_t absolute_seqno = message.seqno.unwrap( isn_, inbound_stream.bytes_pushed() );
  // extract the data from the tcp payload, be careful to use Buffer::release()
  string data( message.payload );

  // absolute seqno begin at 0 when SYN comes, so the actual starting index of data has to minus 1
  if ( absolute_seqno == 0 ) {
    if ( !message.SYN ) {
      // avoid invalid absolute seqno which equals to 0 but not SYN
    reassembler.insert( 0, data, message.FIN, inbound_stream );
  } else {
    reassembler.insert( absolute_seqno - 1, data, message.FIN, inbound_stream );

  // update ack seqno
  // ack seqno is the next expected byte, because SYN has to occupy 0
  if ( reassembler.index_expected() > 0 ) {
    ack_seqno_ = reassembler.index_expected() + 1;
  // if the last byte is received, ack seqno should be added by 1 because FIN is not counted
  if ( reassembler.last_index_expected() == reassembler.index_expected() ) {
    ack_seqno_ += 1;


Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check2
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
      Start  1: compile with bug-checkers
 1/29 Test  #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    0.21 sec
      Start  3: byte_stream_basics
 2/29 Test  #3: byte_stream_basics ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  4: byte_stream_capacity
 3/29 Test  #4: byte_stream_capacity .............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  5: byte_stream_one_write
 4/29 Test  #5: byte_stream_one_write ............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  6: byte_stream_two_writes
 5/29 Test  #6: byte_stream_two_writes ...........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  7: byte_stream_many_writes
 6/29 Test  #7: byte_stream_many_writes ..........   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start  8: byte_stream_stress_test
 7/29 Test  #8: byte_stream_stress_test ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  9: reassembler_single
 8/29 Test  #9: reassembler_single ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 10: reassembler_cap
 9/29 Test #10: reassembler_cap ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 11: reassembler_seq
10/29 Test #11: reassembler_seq ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 12: reassembler_dup
11/29 Test #12: reassembler_dup ..................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 13: reassembler_holes
12/29 Test #13: reassembler_holes ................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 14: reassembler_overlapping
13/29 Test #14: reassembler_overlapping ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 15: reassembler_win
14/29 Test #15: reassembler_win ..................   Passed    5.89 sec
      Start 16: wrapping_integers_cmp
15/29 Test #16: wrapping_integers_cmp ............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 17: wrapping_integers_wrap
16/29 Test #17: wrapping_integers_wrap ...........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 18: wrapping_integers_unwrap
17/29 Test #18: wrapping_integers_unwrap .........   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 19: wrapping_integers_roundtrip
18/29 Test #19: wrapping_integers_roundtrip ......   Passed    0.29 sec
      Start 20: wrapping_integers_extra
19/29 Test #20: wrapping_integers_extra ..........   Passed    0.05 sec
      Start 21: recv_connect
20/29 Test #21: recv_connect .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 22: recv_transmit
21/29 Test #22: recv_transmit ....................   Passed    0.17 sec
      Start 23: recv_window
22/29 Test #23: recv_window ......................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 24: recv_reorder
23/29 Test #24: recv_reorder .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 25: recv_reorder_more
24/29 Test #25: recv_reorder_more ................   Passed    9.54 sec
      Start 26: recv_close
25/29 Test #26: recv_close .......................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 27: recv_special
26/29 Test #27: recv_special .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 37: compile with optimization
27/29 Test #37: compile with optimization ........   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start 38: byte_stream_speed_test
             ByteStream throughput: 6.51 Gbit/s
28/29 Test #38: byte_stream_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start 39: reassembler_speed_test
             Reassembler throughput: 16.55 Gbit/s
29/29 Test #39: reassembler_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.10 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 29

Total Test time (real) =  16.62 sec
Built target check2

3 The TCP Sender


Sending Bytes


Recording Time


Keep Track Of Outstanding Segments and Resend Them After RTO

TCP是一种面向流的可靠协议。为了保证其可靠传输,设计者在TCP中添加了许多机制,比如:校验和、滑动窗口和超时重传等等。lab3要求追踪未承认段(Outstanding Segments),并在超出重传时间(Retrasmission Timeout,RTO)后将RTO翻倍后,再次发送。因此,TCPSender需要一个记录未承认段的表以及一个记录当前重传时间的变量。

TCPSender Data Structure

class TCPSender
  // initial SYN sequence number.
  Wrap32 isn_;
  // initial RTO. It stays the same all the time
  uint64_t initial_RTO_ms_;
  // current RTO. When retransmission fails, double it
  uint64_t RTO_ms_;
  // retransmission timer which records how long it has been since last retransmission happened.
  uint64_t timer_;
  // consecutive retransmission times.
  uint64_t crt_times_;
  // receiver's acknowledged absolute sequence number.
  uint64_t ackno_;
  // receiver's window size.
  uint64_t wind_size_;
  // sender's absolute sequence number
  uint64_t seqno_;
  // segments which are waiting to be sent.
  std::queue<TCPSenderMessage> segments_;
  // sender's sliding window shows all segments which haven't been acknowledged yet.
  std::map<uint64_t, TCPSenderMessage> outstanding_segments_;
  // sender's working mode
  bool running_;

  // ...

Push Bytes To Outbound Stream


  • 对于非发送者初始化而是接收者明确指出的wind_size为0时,将wind_size当作1。
  • 何时将FIN置为真?仅当输出流结束,且接收者滑动窗口还有空间才写入(因为FIN要占序号)。


void TCPSender::push( Reader& outbound_stream )
  while ( ( ( wind_size_ == 0 && seqno_ == ackno_ ) || seqno_ < ackno_ + wind_size_ ) && running_ ) {
    // construct sender message
    TCPSenderMessage msg;
    string data;
    uint64_t data_len = 0;

    if ( seqno_ == 0 ) {
      // SYN
      msg.SYN = true;
    msg.seqno = Wrap32::wrap( seqno_, isn_ );

    // use [ackno_, ackno_ + wind_size_) to calculate data_len
    if ( ackno_ + wind_size_ > seqno_ ) {
      // the actual length of seqno for payload has to minus 1, if SYN = true
      data_len = ackno_ + wind_size_ - seqno_ - msg.SYN;
    // make sure data len is in this range [1, MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE), even if the receiver's window size is 0
    data_len = max( 1UL, min( data_len, TCPConfig::MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE ) );
    read( outbound_stream, data_len, data );
    msg.payload = Buffer( std::move( data ) );

    // if stream is finished and there is also space in receiver's window, set the FIN flag
    // or if stream is finished and the window size is 0 and the data is empty and SYN flag is false, set the FIN
    // flag otherwise put FIN in another separate message
    if ( outbound_stream.is_finished()
         && ( seqno_ + msg.sequence_length() < ackno_ + wind_size_
              || ( wind_size_ == 0 && msg.sequence_length() == 0 ) ) ) {
      // FIN
      msg.FIN = true;

    // quit sending if msg is empty
    if ( msg.sequence_length() == 0 ) {

    // add it to the waiting queue. When maybe_send() is called, sender will send the first segment in the queue.
    segments_.push( msg );
    // keep track of the segment
    outstanding_segments_.emplace( seqno_, msg );

    // update sender's seqno
    seqno_ += msg.sequence_length();

    // only allow to send 1 byte by pretending window size equals to 1, when the actual size is 0
    if ( wind_size_ == 0 ) {

    // no more segments
    if ( msg.FIN ) {
      running_ = false;

Receive ACK Message


  • 更新ackno_wind_size
  • 更新outstanding_segments_
  • 如果发送了重发,将RTO_ms_翻倍,并更新crt_times_
  • 反之,则重置RTO_ms_crt_times_以及timer_


void TCPSender::receive( const TCPReceiverMessage& msg )
  uint64_t new_ackno = ackno_;
  if ( msg.ackno.has_value() ) {
    // extract receiver's ackno
    new_ackno = msg.ackno.value().unwrap( isn_, ackno_ );
    // avoid invalid ackno which is smaller
    if ( ackno_ > new_ackno ) {
  // set receiver's window size, even if new_ackno equals to ackno
  wind_size_ = msg.window_size;
  // update outstanding segments, remove those acknowledged by receiver
  bool reset_flag = false;
  for ( auto itr = outstanding_segments_.begin(); itr != outstanding_segments_.end(); itr++ ) {
    if ( itr->first + itr->second.sequence_length() == new_ackno ) {
      reset_flag = true;
      outstanding_segments_.erase( outstanding_segments_.begin(), ++itr );
  // make sure the new ackno is valid
  if ( !reset_flag ) {
  // update ackno
  ackno_ = new_ackno;

  // the test system will call push again to send the rest bytes after calling receive
  // treat a 0 window size as equal to 1 but don't back off RTO
  if ( wind_size_ == 0 ) {

  // reset RTO
  RTO_ms_ = initial_RTO_ms_;
  // reset retransmission timer
  timer_ = 0;
  // reset times of consecutive retransmissions
  crt_times_ = 0;

Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check3
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
      Start  1: compile with bug-checkers
 1/36 Test  #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    0.18 sec
      Start  3: byte_stream_basics
 2/36 Test  #3: byte_stream_basics ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  4: byte_stream_capacity
 3/36 Test  #4: byte_stream_capacity .............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  5: byte_stream_one_write
 4/36 Test  #5: byte_stream_one_write ............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  6: byte_stream_two_writes
 5/36 Test  #6: byte_stream_two_writes ...........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  7: byte_stream_many_writes
 6/36 Test  #7: byte_stream_many_writes ..........   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start  8: byte_stream_stress_test
 7/36 Test  #8: byte_stream_stress_test ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start  9: reassembler_single
 8/36 Test  #9: reassembler_single ...............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 10: reassembler_cap
 9/36 Test #10: reassembler_cap ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 11: reassembler_seq
10/36 Test #11: reassembler_seq ..................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 12: reassembler_dup
11/36 Test #12: reassembler_dup ..................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 13: reassembler_holes
12/36 Test #13: reassembler_holes ................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 14: reassembler_overlapping
13/36 Test #14: reassembler_overlapping ..........   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 15: reassembler_win
14/36 Test #15: reassembler_win ..................   Passed    5.61 sec
      Start 16: wrapping_integers_cmp
15/36 Test #16: wrapping_integers_cmp ............   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 17: wrapping_integers_wrap
16/36 Test #17: wrapping_integers_wrap ...........   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 18: wrapping_integers_unwrap
17/36 Test #18: wrapping_integers_unwrap .........   Passed    0.00 sec
      Start 19: wrapping_integers_roundtrip
18/36 Test #19: wrapping_integers_roundtrip ......   Passed    0.28 sec
      Start 20: wrapping_integers_extra
19/36 Test #20: wrapping_integers_extra ..........   Passed    0.05 sec
      Start 21: recv_connect
20/36 Test #21: recv_connect .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 22: recv_transmit
21/36 Test #22: recv_transmit ....................   Passed    0.16 sec
      Start 23: recv_window
22/36 Test #23: recv_window ......................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 24: recv_reorder
23/36 Test #24: recv_reorder .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 25: recv_reorder_more
24/36 Test #25: recv_reorder_more ................   Passed    9.01 sec
      Start 26: recv_close
25/36 Test #26: recv_close .......................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 27: recv_special
26/36 Test #27: recv_special .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 28: send_connect
27/36 Test #28: send_connect .....................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 29: send_transmit
28/36 Test #29: send_transmit ....................   Passed    0.30 sec
      Start 30: send_retx
29/36 Test #30: send_retx ........................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 31: send_window
30/36 Test #31: send_window ......................   Passed    0.06 sec
      Start 32: send_ack
31/36 Test #32: send_ack .........................   Passed    0.01 sec
      Start 33: send_close
32/36 Test #33: send_close .......................   Passed    0.02 sec
      Start 34: send_extra
33/36 Test #34: send_extra .......................   Passed    0.03 sec
      Start 37: compile with optimization
34/36 Test #37: compile with optimization ........   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start 38: byte_stream_speed_test
             ByteStream throughput: 5.47 Gbit/s
35/36 Test #38: byte_stream_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.07 sec
      Start 39: reassembler_speed_test
             Reassembler throughput: 17.48 Gbit/s
36/36 Test #39: reassembler_speed_test ...........   Passed    0.11 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 36

Total Test time (real) =  16.17 sec
Built target check3

4 The Network Interface


The Address Resolution Protocol


而这个根据IP地址获取MAC地址的机制被称作地址解析协议(Address Resolution Protocol,ARP)。它的原理是,设备向网络中的其他设备发送ARP请求,询问某个IP地址对应的MAC地址。收到请求的设备检查自己的ARP缓存表,如果有对应的条目,则返回已知的MAC地址;如果没有对应条目,则广播ARP请求到局域网上的所有设备。拥有被请求IP地址的设备收到请求后,会向请求设备回复一个ARP响应,包含自己的MAC地址。请求设备收到响应后,将收到的MAC地址与目标IP地址建立映射关系,并将映射结果存储在ARP缓存表中,以便后续使用。


Network Interface


class NetworkInterface
  // Ethernet (known as hardware, network-access, or link-layer) address of the interface
  EthernetAddress ethernet_address_;
  // IP (known as Internet-layer or network-layer) address of the interface
  Address ip_address_;
  // ARP (Address Resolution Protocol) 30-second-valid cache recording a mapping from IP addresses to Ethernet
  // addresses
  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, std::pair<uint64_t, EthernetAddress>> arp_cache_;
  // Ethernet frames ready to be sent, including ARP and IP datagrams
  std::queue<EthernetFrame> frames_;
  // Ethernet frames waiting for the ARP respond
  std::list<std::pair<uint32_t, EthernetFrame>> waiting_frames_;
  // ARP timer recording how long it has been since last request was sent
  std::unordered_map<uint32_t, uint64_t> arp_timer_;

  // ...    

Sending Datagram


  • 检测ARP缓存是否包含目标IP地址且有效;
  • 若存在,则直接发送。
  • 反之,检测该ARP请求是否近期发送过;
    • 若近期发送过,则直接返回,避免网络堵塞;
    • 反之,发送ARP请求并重置ARP计时器,最后将该IP数据包暂存。
void NetworkInterface::send_datagram( const InternetDatagram& dgram, const Address& next_hop )
  uint32_t next_hop_ip = next_hop.ipv4_numeric();
  // construct Ethernet frame
  EthernetFrame frame;
  frame.header.src = ethernet_address_;
  frame.header.type = EthernetHeader::TYPE_IPv4;
  frame.payload = serialize( dgram );

  if ( arp_cache_.find( next_hop_ip ) == arp_cache_.end()
       || arp_cache_.at( next_hop_ip ).first >= ARP_CACHE_TIMEOUT ) {
    // queue the datagram until knowning the Ethernet address
    waiting_frames_.emplace_back( next_hop_ip, frame );

    // avoid flooding the network with ARP requests
    if ( arp_timer_.find( next_hop_ip ) != arp_timer_.end()
         && arp_timer_.at( next_hop_ip ) <= ARP_REQUEST_TIMEOUT ) {

    // construct ARP frame
    EthernetFrame arp_frame;
    // ...
    // send the ARP request
    frames_.emplace( arp_frame );
    // update ARP timer
    arp_timer_.emplace( next_hop_ip, 0 );
  } else {
    // send directly if destination is known
    frame.header.dst = arp_cache_.at( next_hop_ip ).second;
    frames_.emplace( frame );

Receiving Frames


  • 检测数据帧协议;
  • 若为IP,直接解析返回。
  • 若为ARP,则检查为ARP请求还是ARP回复;
    • 若为ARP请求,则更新ARP缓存,仅当存在查询地址才返回;
    • 若为ARP回复,则更新ARP缓存,并waiting_frames_中已知地址的帧发送。
// frame: the incoming Ethernet frame
optional<InternetDatagram> NetworkInterface::recv_frame( const EthernetFrame& frame )
  optional<InternetDatagram> recv_dgram = nullopt;
  switch ( frame.header.type ) {
    case EthernetHeader::TYPE_IPv4: {
      // parse the recv datagram
      // ... 
      recv_dgram = dgram;
    case EthernetHeader::TYPE_ARP: {
      // costruct ARP message
      ARPMessage arp_msg;
      if ( !parse( arp_msg, frame.payload ) ) {
      switch ( arp_msg.opcode ) {
        // reply ARP request and update ARP cache
        case ARPMessage::OPCODE_REQUEST: {
          // the destination has to be the broadcast address
          if ( frame.header.dst != ETHERNET_BROADCAST ) {
          // update ARP cache
          arp_cache_.emplace( arp_msg.sender_ip_address, make_pair( 0, arp_msg.sender_ethernet_address ) );

          // reply only if the target IP address is known
          if ( arp_msg.target_ip_address != ip_address_.ipv4_numeric()
               && ( arp_cache_.find( arp_msg.target_ip_address ) == arp_cache_.end()
                    || arp_cache_.at( arp_msg.target_ip_address ).first >= ARP_CACHE_TIMEOUT ) ) {
          // construct ARP frame
          // ... 
          // send the ARP reply
          frames_.emplace( arp_frame );

        // update ARP cache, ARP timer and waiting frames
        case ARPMessage::OPCODE_REPLY: {
          // the destination has to be the receiver's address
          if ( frame.header.dst != ethernet_address_ ) {
          arp_cache_.emplace( arp_msg.sender_ip_address, make_pair( 0UL, arp_msg.sender_ethernet_address ) );
          arp_timer_.erase( arp_msg.sender_ip_address );

          // update the waiting frames
          // send the frames in the waiting list, when address is known and valid
          // ...

  return recv_dgram;

Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check4
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
    Start  1: compile with bug-checkers
1/2 Test  #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    0.17 sec
    Start 35: net_interface
2/2 Test #35: net_interface ....................   Passed    0.02 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 2

Total Test time (real) =   0.20 sec
Built target check4

5 The IP Router

Router Data Structure




第一,路由表映射的是整个网络中的IP地址与下一跳路由器/接口的映射关系,而ARP缓存只映射局域网内主机的IP与MAC地址关系。 第二,路由表主要靠静态设置和路由协议动态学习获得,而ARP缓存通过ARP请求响应在本地网络内学习获得。


class Router
  // The router's collection of network interfaces
  std::vector<AsyncNetworkInterface> interfaces_ {};
  // The router's collection of forwarding rules
  std::vector<std::tuple<uint32_t, uint8_t, std::optional<Address>, uint64_t>> routes_ {};
  // ...



void Router::route()
  for ( auto& interface : interfaces_ ) {
    while ( 1 ) {
      optional<InternetDatagram> opt_dgram = interface.maybe_receive();
      // no more datagrams
      if ( !opt_dgram.has_value() ) {

      InternetDatagram dgram = opt_dgram.value();
      uint32_t dst_addr = dgram.header.dst;
      uint64_t match_idx = routes_.size();
      // iterate through all routes to find the longest prefix match
      for ( uint64_t i = 0; i < routes_.size(); i++ ) {
        uint32_t route_prefix = get<0>( routes_[i] );
        uint8_t prefix_length = get<1>( routes_[i] );
        uint32_t mask = prefix_length == 0 ? 0 : ~( ( 1U << ( 32 - prefix_length ) ) - 1 );
        // ...

      // drop the datagram in the following 2 cases:
      // no matched route
      if ( match_idx == routes_.size() ) {
      // TTL is arleady 0 or 0 after derecementing
      if ( dgram.header.ttl == 0 || dgram.header.ttl - 1 == 0 ) {
      // decrement the TTL
      dgram.header.ttl -= 1;
      // compute checksum
      // send it to the next hop
      // ... 

Test Results

zhytou@LAPTOP-Q0M4I2VQ:~/minnow/build$ make check5
Test project /home/zhytou/minnow/build
    Start  1: compile with bug-checkers
1/3 Test  #1: compile with bug-checkers ........   Passed    2.36 sec
    Start 35: net_interface
2/3 Test #35: net_interface ....................   Passed    0.01 sec
    Start 36: router
3/3 Test #36: router ...........................   Passed    0.03 sec

100% tests passed, 0 tests failed out of 3

Total Test time (real) =   2.40 sec
Built target check5